Water~Protect Each Drop was created by MASCAT Consultants as a service to a very special resource...WATER.  

Our interest in WATER came from a group of students at Thomas Jefferson High School in San Antonio, Texas during the 1996 drought. Our benefactor was a teacher at the time and she began the "Every Drop Counts, Water as a Changing Resource" project. Students created the project and pushed it forward. As they gained support and funded their project, they were able to involve the San Antonio Water System, HEB Grocery, the Texas Land Office,  GTE GIFT Program and many other sponsors

Over 200 students in this project each year from 1996 to 2005 learned about water, how to conserve it, how we use it now and how to use it less. They learned the water needs of the San Antonio area and of  Texas. As they worked along side water professionals from the San Antonio Water System, the San Antonio River Authority and the Edwards Aquifer Authority, the students learned how to become stewards of water and how to protect it as they also worked within the community to make others aware of how they too could PROTECT EACH DROP!

About Us
Protect Each Drop brought to you by MASCAT Consultants
The years have passed since the success of this project but the problem of water as a changing resource has not gone away.  Texas and the San Antonio are constantly battle with the lack of water due to drought conditions and flooding due to over paving, over population and industrialization.  The never ending problem of water pollution from point sources and non-point sources also hangs over us. 
In the spirit of the wonderful students that began 
this project and in the interest of WATER as a very 
precious resource we began our

WATER~ Protect Each Drop 

The mission of WPED is to engage our community in the stewardship, conservation and protection  of  our water resources and environments through education and outreach. 

With YOUR help,  we can help to insure clean and abundant water for: 
  • Industry
  • Agriculture
  • Nature
  • Tranportation
  • Medicine
  • Manufacturing
  • LIFE!

Contact US!

Join us in this quest! t

Contact us at  alamorcd@gmail.com